jueves, 25 de agosto de 2011

How to make your own killing jar!

Well today I will tell you all you need to make your own killing jar and the other material that you will need to do your bug collection
You will need:
  1. 1.    Insect
  2. 2.    killing jar
  3. 3.    forceps
  4. 4.    relaxing jar
  5. 5.    spreading board and pinning block
  6. 6.    insect pins and labels
  7. 7.    storage box
  8. 8.    masking tap

The incredible of this is that you can create your own materials like the killing jar, for this you will need a like a jelly jar empty and clean with wide mouth), an absorbent material like cotton, ethyl acetate (this is the finger nail polish remover), and a piece of cardboard cut in a circle to fit in the jar. The processes to make this is very simple in the jar place one to two inches of cotton in the bottom, but a little of ethyl acetate and try to not breathe in the fumes, put the cardboard over the cotton, seals the jar lid tightly, protect the half of the jar with masking tape to prolong the potency of killing, when is noticeable longer to kill recharge with 
more ethyl acetate.

And that ids the way that you will make your killing jar.
And answered the question of my classmate make, here is some information about the butterflies:
Trying to catch butterflies collection will give you a lot of hours of enjoyment and also will expand or start your knowledge of these insects. Remember that to start a collection you will have records of all your insects and when and where your specimen has collected with this data you will have a beautiful and scientific value collection. 
276 words 

Hahn, Jeffrey. "Collecting and Preserving Insects." University of Minnesota Extension. 2002. Web. 25 Aug. 2011. <http://www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/youthdevelopment/da6892.html>.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Caro! Well, first of all insects is one of my favorite topics, because I like how they are so organize to do different types of things. The ants are my types of insects, they are well organized, live together in an ant colony, they fight together and they are very strong: can carry ten times their weight if I remember well. Other insect that I like is the butterfly, It´s very beautiful and it is awesome how it evolve from a type of worm, then to a cocoon and finally into the fantastic butterfly.

    Since I was a kid, I used to play in my grandparents’ garden; there were a lot of insects like worms, centipedes, butterflies, cochineal and many others. In the backyard there was a big rock, in which I played with my brothers almost every day, we create games such as centipedes and cochineal racings. Also, I liked to take the dragonfly from the tail and put it in my fingers!

    Well, I tell you already why I like your topic; I want to remember those memories when I was a kid. Thank you for poste in your blog how to build a killing jar, so now I will be available to have the different types of insects that I used to play with. Thanks so much! (:

  2. :o Oh my god that is so bad you are killing insects, but it is so cool at the same time. I think that when I was young I make maybe one this killing jars but I don’t all the steps. I know that is so hard to have your own bug collection, and right now is weird because I don’t know any with a collection.

    Will be great that you Caro make a killing jar and the next week you will show me your jar with all the ants, irons, centipedes, etc.
    Well Caro is a great project to make this I will keep in mind.

    Thank You!

  3. Hi Caro! Fist of all, I really like your topic! I think insects are very interesting animals, because even they can be extremely small, they are all very different and singular. When I was a kid I LOVED watching and collecting insects, specially butterflies, ladybugs, worms and grasshoppers. I could be in the backyard for hours watching insects on the grass, probably we all loved insects when we were kids.
    i think your post is pretty intriguing because most of the people who study insects, don't want to damage them. Imagine you have a one of a kind butterfly and you end up destroying it! Well, I don't think it's good to be killing animals, but as long as the peolpe killing them have nice reasons, there's no need to panic.
    I think you shoud post something about weird isects! Because there are so many kinds of strange and curious insects that should be known by everyone!

    157 words.

    Alejandra Treviño Lozano A01280206

  4. Like I said last week, I like insects and is very good that you are telling us how to make our own bug collection, what I don’t like so much is the killing of the insects, but that’s the way it has always been. Even though, it is a good way to learn about them but not only this, also it is a way that can helps me to remember the time when I was a little kid playing in the backyard of my house, were I might see an insect and call my parents for them to see it, sometimes on a tree sometimes on the grass but I was happy to see them. The insect that I like the most is the butterfly because of its evolution, and beautiful colors in their wings. Also I like this insect because even though it is not that big it is easily seen and distinguished for its colors when it is flying. Another insect that I like is the firefly at night I like to see through the window and see their light it is like green but it makes me feel different sensations. I usually make different types of questions about these insects but usually the answer is that nature is what makes them look that way.
    Tankyou for posting on your blog Caro I will like to learn more of insects;)
