jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

A Bug's Life movie

Hi everyone!
Well, like every single week today is Thursday! In other words today is day of blog! Yeah! I hope you are having a nice week, and also I hope that your Halloween costume is ready! Halloween is near remembered.
Okay, today I was thinking “what I should write on my blog?” and when I was washing the movie of “127 hours” (which I recommend you) I said “oh! Why not talk about the movie of “A bug’s life”? And I don’t know why I think that, while I was washing other movie, but well what I can do.
So, here I am talking to you about this movie, “A Bug’s life” is based on insects that we already saw like the Hercules beetle, spiders, lady bugs, fire bugs, stick insects, mosquitoes, ants, and etc...
Well, I think that when we were kids, we think that all this kind of bugs were awesome and that they are real and we imagine that we were some of this insects, but then we were teenager we ask our self that if those insects can exist, and then if you were following this blog we discover that yes! There are lot kinds of strange insects and some of those strange bugs were on the movie.
I leave you with some videos about the movie, to remember your period of childhood, to laugh at little, and also to distract of your problems, and get out the stress
Have nice weekend with a lot of fun! And see you next week.