jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011

Fascinating Insects

Last week I was reading yours posts and I think that you would like to know about some insects that are in your daily life. So today I will talk to you about some bugs that are interesting for me, and that I suppose we play with them when we were little kids.
One beautiful and great insect is the butterfly, who is part of the family of the moths, butterflies are beautiful insects of the world, and like all insects they have the same body complexion, you can find butterflies in any environment, in hot or cold, in a mountain or in the ocean anywhere you want, but you can find more in the tropical areas. Moth is the relative of the butterfly, there is a torticid moth (in the picture of the bottom) these were found in Mexico can you imagine! In the prehispanic time.(Torticid Moth)

Now I will talk you about lady bugs, every one love them because of their colorful, spotted appearance, but some people love them(farmers), because their appetite can you imagine someone eating those beautiful insects! There are about 5,000 of these species not all of them taste equal, and talking other thing about these insects you know that the put 100 eggs in their colonies imagine! 100 eggs there are a lot.(Lady bugs, Nationa Geographic)

Other beautiful insect and that you will remember well is the stick insect this insect appear in the movie of bugs life, yeah right the one of the bottom! I love that insect. Do you know that they common name is walking stick that is a funny name for an insect, these insects are the most largest in the world the measure around 12 to 21in for an insect is a lot, you can find it in tropical areas and most of these animal are nocturnal, but in the day they are in the sticks of the trees.(Stick Insects, National Geographic)

And finally the insect that many of us in our infancy try to capture the firefly (lighting bug), is so fascinated how they can have light in the tail I love the a lot! All of us know why are they called firefly, but I think that few people know how they produce the light, well they have light organs located under their abdomen, when they breath specials cell, combine with a substance called luciferin can produce light with almost no heat, this is so awesome that when I research this, I was impacted of this little insects.(Fireflies, National Geographic)

Well is all per today I see you next week and I hope you like the topic of today.

-430 words


4 comentarios:

  1. Caro: This blog is so interesting!! I did not know that bugs where so beautiful and so fascinating, before reading this I think of them as gross animals, but now I know that they are full of colors and even light!

    Butterflies are very beautiful because of their colors and their wings; I didn't know that they could be found in so many places! I'm proud that Mexico is one of the homes of hundreds of butterflies including the monarch butterflies that are an endangered species that we can save if we work together.

    The lady bugs are so beautiful! But I think it is disgusting that some people eat them, but it is proven that insects will be the food of the future, when we have no more fields to plant fruits or feed the cattle, and because they are many and they reproduce really fast!

    The stick insect is so funny! I remembered watching that movie (a bug’s life) many times when I was little.

    And the fireflies are very amazing creatures; it is incredible how far nature can reach in the matter of beauty.

    I think you blog is very good! I'm glad to have this information!
    Keep writing these amazing things!

  2. Hi Caro, I have no idea that you talk about insect and I really want to know why; the true is that I would never choose that topic but maybe you find it interesting. But in some part I love butterflies, and now is the season that the travel all over the country. I actually went to Michoacán so went their traveling, is an amazing and beautiful show. And I agree with you that when we were kids we play with the firefly, I loved to catch that insects and make a drawing with their lights, thinking more is a little mean but it was funny. Another thing that I loved about your post is that you write about the insect of the Bug movie, I love it! I remember that I had my VHS of that movie and I watched it almost daily. I promise to continue commenting in your blog. Keep it up!
    Yaressi Treviño

  3. Hello there, first of all, awesome design for the blog, I really like you use such an awesome movie as your profile picture (A Bug’s life is one of my favorite Pixar movies, I don’t get it why so many people think opposite, it was a great and funny movie); I’ll be coming every week to check out your blog, which is indeed interesting and well, maybe it will help me out with this little hate I have for bugs. I have to admit, and come clean, that I don’t really like bugs that much, actually, I have a little of an arachnophobia (I believe you are aware of it, am I right? ;P), I dislike butterflies (believe it or not) and I’m not a great fan of bees (they can be really scary when they want to be and I have a trauma since childhood with one that sting me on my ear; not so hurtful but it really scared me a lot); but when you talk about lady bugs… well, that’s another story. I LOVE lady bugs in all the sense of the word “love”. Love the red and black spots and how curious they are. When little I use to play with them whenever they walked on my arms (like changing its direction or make it walk across a line, something like that). This insects are some of the prettiest of all (and no, I’m not able to imagine someone eating this little pretty insects, I won’t allow it!) and interesting indeed.

  4. Hi there Caro! I want to let you know with this comment that your blog is fascinating, entertaining and original. This bug information can be really useful for people that really never been in a real contact with this kind of insects. Also you make me see the bright side of this kind of animals, many people can think that are discusting and annoying but with your point of view I can consider now that bugs are beautiful and interesting animals. So, Caro congratulations for your blog I really think is amazing and I think your next entry should have a special focus on butterflies they are one of my favorite animals and are such beautiful and exceptional creatures you can find really unbelievable pictures of the metamorphosis this insect has and maybe you could post a though about the cocoon I think the development this creatures pass through is one of the mother nature gives to our sight. Thank you again for your information and for giving us an extra knowledge about bugs!
