viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011

Estrange Bugs!

Hi! Everyone, I hope you are having a great week, Today I will tell you about the most estrange bugs in the world.

One of these is the goliath beetles, which are native to the African tropics, they eat tree sap and fruit, and they can reach over 4 inches long and look at this you can have one as a pet only feed it with dog food! (But here in Monterrey I think that the clime is not good for these insects)(Cellania)

Other estrange bug, is one of the must strong in the world, it can support 850 times its own weight on its shell! Can you imagine this! This insects can grow over 6 inches in length, well know you want to know the name of this awesome insect well is its named Hercules beetle is like a kind of rhinoceros and live in South America, also this insect is eats only vegetation, but when it fight for a female he eat his opponent.(this insect is the one which appear in the a bug's life movie)(Cellania)

Can you imagine little ants torturing and trapping other insects? Well its true, tree ants in the Amazon build elaborating traps for other insects and they feed of them, when one insect is catches on their traps the ants emerge from hiding and pull they prey´s to immobilize them, and then they carry parts off to the colony! That is like a torture rack! I don’t can imagine that!(Cellania)

Well next week I will continue telling you more about estrange bugs, this is fascinating!
Okay have a nice weekend and good look in the partial exams!

~262 words

Cellania. "The Weirdest Insects in the World." Neatorama. AtTask, 8 Oct. 2007. Web. 30 Sept. 2011. <>.