jueves, 20 de octubre de 2011

Bees can help us!

Hello everyone there!

Today I have no really wanted to write, was a busy day for me, but I hope you have had a great day!
And as each Thursday, today is Thursday of blog, yeah!

I know you are very enthusiastic to know what I am going to write and if you are not, well sorry no you already started to read this blog! So now you read! Just kidding you can go if you are not interest.
Well today I will speak of a very interesting topic and reach this issue because I did not know what else to talk on this blog and put it in Google "Insects cure", and try to guest and believe what it appear up!
It appeared therapy of Bees! Wondering how? Well, this is so, the bees have a sting in addition to defend and help the environment by pollinating, are good for curing diseases. You might wonder how? Well, these little insects have shown propolis and bee venom or bee venom (is the same), makes these insects substances considered in the future of natural medicines. "Apitherapy is the use of bee products that have natural properties to prevent or help cure some diseases," says an apitherapeutist, this therapy helps to treat illnesses such as diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, tennis elbow or bursitis, also the cardiovascular and hypertension, arrhythmias, arteriosclerosis and varicose veins, in skin problems like eczema, psoriasis, warts, and lung conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema and asthma, among others. Can you imagine that these little bees can help us in all this diseases? 
Well, this is all for today I see you next week! And have a nice weekend!
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