jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011

dangerous bugs

Hi everybody there,
Well, today like every Thursday is day of blog yeah!
Today, we will see the insects more dangerous of humans in everyday life.
I think that you know that the next bug is dangerous and is the mosquito; this insect is responsible for more than 300 million cases of malaria each year! And cause between one to three millions deaths, Can you believe this? Well, it is true and I mention the country of Malaria, because Malaria affects 10 percent of the population, making born more diseases. The 3,000 species of mosquitos do not carry the same diseases. Some diseases that they carry are dengue and yellow fever, encephalitis, elephantiasis, and canine heart worm. Yes! This little insect carries all this diseases.
Another bug that is dangerous and you can´t believe is the flies! Yes houseflies can spread some 200 pathogens and parasites to humans. But there is the tsetse fly, which is another type of fly, it spread the sleeping sickness. Caused by a parasite, sleeping sickness enters the central nervous system where it causes deep coma and death. About two hundred and fifty thousands of people die each year in Africa from sleeping sickness.
And I can continue with more and more bugs, but there are a lot! Like bed bugs, parasitic worms, fleas that are also leading killers of humans, they spread by rodents cause a plague. This plague in the fourth century it killed more than the three-quarters of the population of Europe, nowadays this plague is rare and can be treated.
 Well I hope that you learn more about insects today, and have a nice weekend.