jueves, 25 de agosto de 2011

How to make your own killing jar!

Well today I will tell you all you need to make your own killing jar and the other material that you will need to do your bug collection
You will need:
  1. 1.    Insect
  2. 2.    killing jar
  3. 3.    forceps
  4. 4.    relaxing jar
  5. 5.    spreading board and pinning block
  6. 6.    insect pins and labels
  7. 7.    storage box
  8. 8.    masking tap

The incredible of this is that you can create your own materials like the killing jar, for this you will need a like a jelly jar empty and clean with wide mouth), an absorbent material like cotton, ethyl acetate (this is the finger nail polish remover), and a piece of cardboard cut in a circle to fit in the jar. The processes to make this is very simple in the jar place one to two inches of cotton in the bottom, but a little of ethyl acetate and try to not breathe in the fumes, put the cardboard over the cotton, seals the jar lid tightly, protect the half of the jar with masking tape to prolong the potency of killing, when is noticeable longer to kill recharge with 
more ethyl acetate.

And that ids the way that you will make your killing jar.
And answered the question of my classmate make, here is some information about the butterflies:
Trying to catch butterflies collection will give you a lot of hours of enjoyment and also will expand or start your knowledge of these insects. Remember that to start a collection you will have records of all your insects and when and where your specimen has collected with this data you will have a beautiful and scientific value collection. 
276 words 

Hahn, Jeffrey. "Collecting and Preserving Insects." University of Minnesota Extension. 2002. Web. 25 Aug. 2011. <http://www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/youthdevelopment/da6892.html>.