jueves, 18 de agosto de 2011

Introduction About This Blog

Hello everyone!
This my blog and as I think you already notice this blog will talk about bug collection, I will show you how to make a bug collection and I will introduce you for different type of insects and what do you need and why to make a bug collection, also I will explain you step by step so you can get a beautiful bug collection I hope you enjoy.
First I will tell you a little about bug collection, you know that the International Natural Hygiene Society (INHS) has the largest bug collection? Well believe the INHS has the largest collection in North America, it includes more than 13,000 primary types, and the collection is an important national and worldwide resource.
Making an insect collection is one method of learning about insects in the process of locating, handling, and preserving insects and to do many observations about their habitat, cycles of their life and behavior of the insects. The observations that you will do can make you to understanding insects and their relationships and roles of insects in the environment.
Collections of insects are necessary to identify them. The proper identification of insects is a necessary step to properly communicate all information about them. Also is necessary that the information is truthful identifications for scientists to publish their results correctly. Without proper identification, scientific studies may be incorrect. A collection of insects can also be an element of beauty. A collection perfectly well preserved and presented can make an attractive presentation in the home or office. A display of insects often becomes a topic of conversation everywhere on display.
You can collect from many different habitats, and you will find different kinds of insect a grassy meadow compared to the forest, for example. But you can also collect for restricting habitats but vary it over the time like by season. Remember always care you camera with you if you want to document or photograph the habitat.


  • "Collecting and Preserving Insects." Untitled Document. Web. 18 Aug. 2011. <http://bughunter.tamu.edu/appendixa.htm>.

  • "Insect Collecting, Catching Insects, Sweep and Butterfly Nets, Killing Jar, Pitfall Trap."LivingWithBugs: Least-Toxic, Eco-Friendly DIY Home Pest and Garden Bug Control. Web. 18 Aug. 2011. <http://www.livingwithbugs.com/P2-0805.html>.

2 comentarios:

  1. I never thought how great it will be to have a bug collection. Of course one of these collections will make us know more about insect’s lives. As well I had never thought, but I will like to know what the role of insects in different environments is, and this will be a good way to start investigating.

  2. Well, to tell you the truth I’m not actually that much into bugs, truth being said: I don’t like most of them ( > . < ), specially the ones that fly recklessly to your direction and the ones that bite and have many legs :S But that doesn’t mean that there are a few of them that I actually like, butterflies, for example :D So if that’s the case, then I will like to know more about them! I just know few information about bug collection, but I’m not that experienced, so I hope I’ll learn more about it with your blog (^ ^). Oh! And will you show us the special procedure that is needed to dissect bugs? Actually, I found that quiet interesting, so if I you do so, then I’ll look forward for it! Even though I’m not that into bugs (as I already told you -___- ), I actually enjoy looking at different types of them in frames (or there’s where I’ve had seen them, referring to bug collection), like different types of butterflies with different beautiful wings -or not-, and I also like to watch the different ladybugs there are, they’re so cute!
    I don’t really get the classification of insects, as they are so many and so varied, but maybe I’ll get it if I keep looking at your blog. Thanks for sharing this information with me! Hope you can keep doing well like this. I’ll read you next week then!

    Regards, Stephany G. O.
