jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011

Not all the bugs you see are beautiful

Hello everyone happy Mexico Independent Day!
Well, I will review everything that is in my blog:
  • ·         First I made an introduction about the bug’s collection, and   I give interest facts of thin.
  • ·         Then I explained you how to make and killing jar, and all the materials you need.
  • ·         And last one was of some insects that were in our infancy.

Now I will continue telling you about more insect, but now I will tell you about the poison ones, I found a video that when a saw I can believed that small bugs can cause so many deaths, I were scare please see the following video:

As we can see in the video the scientists measure the poison of an insect with the LD50.
If you see the video you can maybe have your face like OH MY GOD!, and I can understand you, is difficult to believe, now when I go to the forest or in even to the park I will be careful with the insects.
Also I notice that in the video they didn’t tell anything about spiders, and black beetles like:

  • ·         Brown Recluse Spider: the bite of this spider can cause restlessness, fever, chills, nausea, weakness, and joint pain; this could happen in 24-36 hr.

  • ·         Black Widow Spider: the poison of this spider affects your nervous system; other symptoms are nausea, elevated, blood pressure, sweating, tremors and increased white blood cell counts.

  • ·         Blister Beetles: produce a toxic called cantharidin that if you touch can causes inflammation and blistering of internal and external body tissues.

Well I hope that the information can be helpful to you, know when you start to collecting your bugs take care of you, to not catch a poison bug and avoid the way 
to the hospital.
Have a nice weekend!              
-298 words