jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011

dangerous bugs

Hi everybody there,
Well, today like every Thursday is day of blog yeah!
Today, we will see the insects more dangerous of humans in everyday life.
I think that you know that the next bug is dangerous and is the mosquito; this insect is responsible for more than 300 million cases of malaria each year! And cause between one to three millions deaths, Can you believe this? Well, it is true and I mention the country of Malaria, because Malaria affects 10 percent of the population, making born more diseases. The 3,000 species of mosquitos do not carry the same diseases. Some diseases that they carry are dengue and yellow fever, encephalitis, elephantiasis, and canine heart worm. Yes! This little insect carries all this diseases.
Another bug that is dangerous and you can´t believe is the flies! Yes houseflies can spread some 200 pathogens and parasites to humans. But there is the tsetse fly, which is another type of fly, it spread the sleeping sickness. Caused by a parasite, sleeping sickness enters the central nervous system where it causes deep coma and death. About two hundred and fifty thousands of people die each year in Africa from sleeping sickness.
And I can continue with more and more bugs, but there are a lot! Like bed bugs, parasitic worms, fleas that are also leading killers of humans, they spread by rodents cause a plague. This plague in the fourth century it killed more than the three-quarters of the population of Europe, nowadays this plague is rare and can be treated.
 Well I hope that you learn more about insects today, and have a nice weekend.

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

A Bug's Life movie

Hi everyone!
Well, like every single week today is Thursday! In other words today is day of blog! Yeah! I hope you are having a nice week, and also I hope that your Halloween costume is ready! Halloween is near remembered.
Okay, today I was thinking “what I should write on my blog?” and when I was washing the movie of “127 hours” (which I recommend you) I said “oh! Why not talk about the movie of “A bug’s life”? And I don’t know why I think that, while I was washing other movie, but well what I can do.
So, here I am talking to you about this movie, “A Bug’s life” is based on insects that we already saw like the Hercules beetle, spiders, lady bugs, fire bugs, stick insects, mosquitoes, ants, and etc...
Well, I think that when we were kids, we think that all this kind of bugs were awesome and that they are real and we imagine that we were some of this insects, but then we were teenager we ask our self that if those insects can exist, and then if you were following this blog we discover that yes! There are lot kinds of strange insects and some of those strange bugs were on the movie.
I leave you with some videos about the movie, to remember your period of childhood, to laugh at little, and also to distract of your problems, and get out the stress
Have nice weekend with a lot of fun! And see you next week.

jueves, 20 de octubre de 2011

Bees can help us!

Hello everyone there!

Today I have no really wanted to write, was a busy day for me, but I hope you have had a great day!
And as each Thursday, today is Thursday of blog, yeah!

I know you are very enthusiastic to know what I am going to write and if you are not, well sorry no you already started to read this blog! So now you read! Just kidding you can go if you are not interest.
Well today I will speak of a very interesting topic and reach this issue because I did not know what else to talk on this blog and put it in Google "Insects cure", and try to guest and believe what it appear up!
It appeared therapy of Bees! Wondering how? Well, this is so, the bees have a sting in addition to defend and help the environment by pollinating, are good for curing diseases. You might wonder how? Well, these little insects have shown propolis and bee venom or bee venom (is the same), makes these insects substances considered in the future of natural medicines. "Apitherapy is the use of bee products that have natural properties to prevent or help cure some diseases," says an apitherapeutist, this therapy helps to treat illnesses such as diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, tennis elbow or bursitis, also the cardiovascular and hypertension, arrhythmias, arteriosclerosis and varicose veins, in skin problems like eczema, psoriasis, warts, and lung conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema and asthma, among others. Can you imagine that these little bees can help us in all this diseases? 
Well, this is all for today I see you next week! And have a nice weekend!
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jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011

Hi everyone there.

Well sorry for don´t post the last week but I was in exams, so I couldn’t, but now I´m here telling you more about estrange bugs and I will show you one insect that I found very scary.

Can you imagine an insect that looks like a flower? Well I going to tell you that this is true, its name is orchid mantis, as it name say this insect looks like an orchid, is usually found in Malaysia and Indonesia. They hide in orchid flowers waiting for delicious insects to eat.(cellania)

Investigating more about insects I found the assassin bugs, this insect is like one that I mentioned before, but it is not the same, the assassin bug uses the mouth to inject a toxin into it prey. This acts as an anesthetic. In the world there are around thousands of assassin bug species. Some of these insects only eat other insects but others attack reptiles, birds, mammals.(cellania)

I found a video by National Geographic that shows the power that assassin insect have. In this video can provoke you some chills, you see that this insect take blood from a bat and how this animal get paralyzed and can´t fly, also you found that  assassin bug fill it stomach like when you put gasoline to your car. I get scare about this insect because if bats are dangerous imagine this little insect!
So this is the video!
Well I hope this post were interest for you. Have a nice weekend! See you the next week!
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Carolina A01280135 301

Cellania. "The Weirdest Insects in the World." Neatorama. AtTask, 8 Oct. 2007. Web. 30 Sept. 2011. <http://www.neatorama.com/2007/10/08/the-weirdest-insects-in-the-world/>.

viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011

Estrange Bugs!

Hi! Everyone, I hope you are having a great week, Today I will tell you about the most estrange bugs in the world.

One of these is the goliath beetles, which are native to the African tropics, they eat tree sap and fruit, and they can reach over 4 inches long and look at this you can have one as a pet only feed it with dog food! (But here in Monterrey I think that the clime is not good for these insects)(Cellania)

Other estrange bug, is one of the must strong in the world, it can support 850 times its own weight on its shell! Can you imagine this! This insects can grow over 6 inches in length, well know you want to know the name of this awesome insect well is its named Hercules beetle is like a kind of rhinoceros and live in South America, also this insect is eats only vegetation, but when it fight for a female he eat his opponent.(this insect is the one which appear in the a bug's life movie)(Cellania)

Can you imagine little ants torturing and trapping other insects? Well its true, tree ants in the Amazon build elaborating traps for other insects and they feed of them, when one insect is catches on their traps the ants emerge from hiding and pull they prey´s to immobilize them, and then they carry parts off to the colony! That is like a torture rack! I don’t can imagine that!(Cellania)

Well next week I will continue telling you more about estrange bugs, this is fascinating!
Okay have a nice weekend and good look in the partial exams!

~262 words

Cellania. "The Weirdest Insects in the World." Neatorama. AtTask, 8 Oct. 2007. Web. 30 Sept. 2011. <http://www.neatorama.com/2007/10/08/the-weirdest-insects-in-the-world/>.

jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011

Bugs are delicious?

Hi everyone!
Well today I will tell all the bugs that can be eaten here in Mexico, but I have to warn you that you will feel disgusted!

One of the bugs here in Mexico that many people eat is the grasshoppers, many people eat in tacos with avocado, other eta with salt and lemon, other with sauce and other they only ate in the simple way.

Other bug is the beetles and like the grasshopper they were eaten in tacos!
I don´t really like the idea that persons eat the next insect, in countries like Oaxaca, Puebla, Hidalgo and D.F they it the butterflies! I am so sad to tell this but is true they it eat in tacos, fried with sauce and guacamole.

Also another sad fact is that in Sonora and in the D.F they eat the dragonflies.

Some people eat the agave worm also known as the maguey worm, and sometimes they are included in tequila bottles as proof os authenticity of alcohol content. They are principle found in Oaxaca, D.F and in Hidalgo. I think this is kind of disgusting to know that these bugs are necessary to proof that alcohol is pure.

The next insect I think is estranging that people eat, in Mexico city and in Nayarit they eat flies like the last bugs the eat in tacos! Imagine you eating flies, disgusting!

And the last one insect is the wasp they are eating in Guerrero, Michoacán, Veracruz and Yucatan.

And all of these bugs have a lot of nutrients!
Well I hope you enjoy this post, see you next week J
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Carolina Perez A01280135

jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011

Not all the bugs you see are beautiful

Hello everyone happy Mexico Independent Day!
Well, I will review everything that is in my blog:
  • ·         First I made an introduction about the bug’s collection, and   I give interest facts of thin.
  • ·         Then I explained you how to make and killing jar, and all the materials you need.
  • ·         And last one was of some insects that were in our infancy.

Now I will continue telling you about more insect, but now I will tell you about the poison ones, I found a video that when a saw I can believed that small bugs can cause so many deaths, I were scare please see the following video:

As we can see in the video the scientists measure the poison of an insect with the LD50.
If you see the video you can maybe have your face like OH MY GOD!, and I can understand you, is difficult to believe, now when I go to the forest or in even to the park I will be careful with the insects.
Also I notice that in the video they didn’t tell anything about spiders, and black beetles like:

  • ·         Brown Recluse Spider: the bite of this spider can cause restlessness, fever, chills, nausea, weakness, and joint pain; this could happen in 24-36 hr.

  • ·         Black Widow Spider: the poison of this spider affects your nervous system; other symptoms are nausea, elevated, blood pressure, sweating, tremors and increased white blood cell counts.

  • ·         Blister Beetles: produce a toxic called cantharidin that if you touch can causes inflammation and blistering of internal and external body tissues.

Well I hope that the information can be helpful to you, know when you start to collecting your bugs take care of you, to not catch a poison bug and avoid the way 
to the hospital.
Have a nice weekend!              
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