jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011

Hi everyone there.

Well sorry for don´t post the last week but I was in exams, so I couldn’t, but now I´m here telling you more about estrange bugs and I will show you one insect that I found very scary.

Can you imagine an insect that looks like a flower? Well I going to tell you that this is true, its name is orchid mantis, as it name say this insect looks like an orchid, is usually found in Malaysia and Indonesia. They hide in orchid flowers waiting for delicious insects to eat.(cellania)

Investigating more about insects I found the assassin bugs, this insect is like one that I mentioned before, but it is not the same, the assassin bug uses the mouth to inject a toxin into it prey. This acts as an anesthetic. In the world there are around thousands of assassin bug species. Some of these insects only eat other insects but others attack reptiles, birds, mammals.(cellania)

I found a video by National Geographic that shows the power that assassin insect have. In this video can provoke you some chills, you see that this insect take blood from a bat and how this animal get paralyzed and can´t fly, also you found that  assassin bug fill it stomach like when you put gasoline to your car. I get scare about this insect because if bats are dangerous imagine this little insect!
So this is the video!
Well I hope this post were interest for you. Have a nice weekend! See you the next week!
~259 words
Carolina A01280135 301

Cellania. "The Weirdest Insects in the World." Neatorama. AtTask, 8 Oct. 2007. Web. 30 Sept. 2011. <http://www.neatorama.com/2007/10/08/the-weirdest-insects-in-the-world/>.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Caro, wow with the picture that you put in the blog, I really thought it was a flower, but then when I started reading I realized that the “flower” have eyes. And that little assassin insects were really disgusting for me, I don’t like blood and see how such a little insect absorb blog was a shock for me. But I continue loving you blog, because you put interesting topic that people can get involve on them. Keep it up!
    Yaressi Treviño
