jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011

Bugs are delicious?

Hi everyone!
Well today I will tell all the bugs that can be eaten here in Mexico, but I have to warn you that you will feel disgusted!

One of the bugs here in Mexico that many people eat is the grasshoppers, many people eat in tacos with avocado, other eta with salt and lemon, other with sauce and other they only ate in the simple way.

Other bug is the beetles and like the grasshopper they were eaten in tacos!
I don´t really like the idea that persons eat the next insect, in countries like Oaxaca, Puebla, Hidalgo and D.F they it the butterflies! I am so sad to tell this but is true they it eat in tacos, fried with sauce and guacamole.

Also another sad fact is that in Sonora and in the D.F they eat the dragonflies.

Some people eat the agave worm also known as the maguey worm, and sometimes they are included in tequila bottles as proof os authenticity of alcohol content. They are principle found in Oaxaca, D.F and in Hidalgo. I think this is kind of disgusting to know that these bugs are necessary to proof that alcohol is pure.

The next insect I think is estranging that people eat, in Mexico city and in Nayarit they eat flies like the last bugs the eat in tacos! Imagine you eating flies, disgusting!

And the last one insect is the wasp they are eating in Guerrero, Michoacán, Veracruz and Yucatan.

And all of these bugs have a lot of nutrients!
Well I hope you enjoy this post, see you next week J
-268 words
Carolina Perez A01280135

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Caro!
    I have to tell you I had no idea people ate this kind of insects! Well, I knew some people eat grasshoppers and maguey worms, but I had no idea that butterflies or flies could be eaten. I actually think this is a little gross, but it is part of some places culture, especially old cities like the DF or Oaxaca. in this places, they have been preparing insects for centuries, so it is now part of their History and traditions, and some people think you must taste this dishes to feel like you really visited the place.
    And another thing I thought... Imagine how many insects like flies of worms you have to eat to feel satisfied! I mean, they are so small, and i think it must be very difficult to feel satisfied with only one.
    Well Caro, I hope you have a nice week, see you soon!

    Words: 152

    Alejandra Treviño A01280206

  2. Hi Carito!!!!

    Is to strange that people eat insects but the insects don't taste so bad, the last semester de people from OFI brought a bag of grasshopper. It taste like spicy and I feel like rare because I was eating an insect and the people look at you with a surprise face and also with a scare face it was very funny.

    I think that you palate needs to habituate to eat butterflies or beetles and maybe someday it will taste good or delicious, well for some people.

    It was very interesting you article about the insect I didn’t know that people can eat butterflies.

  3. Hi Caro!

    I did know that here in Mexico some insects are eaten, but I didn't know exactly what kind of those. I agree with you, eat bugs sounds and must be disgusting, but I think even we are all mexicans every state and city has its own culture and different traditions, and we know we always have to respect it. Anyway I don't think I will ever eat tacos with bugs!.

    Your blog is very interesting, keep it up.

  4. Hi Caro!
    This post of yours was really interesting.
    I cannot imagine myself eating bugs. But, perhaps, I could
    try a grasshopper if I trip to Oaxaca.
    I know that it looks disgusting, but, as you said, the insects
    have a lot of nutrients that our body needs.
    But, don't worry, I will never eat a butterfly. Never!
    Just the ugly ones.
    Maybe the taste like chicken or something.
    Well, Caro, keep writing.
    Take care!

    75 words.

    Daniela Ramírez Ramos
